Just came back from a Pancaragam trip to Johor. Some school exchange program thingy.
Day 1;
Slept over at Amanda's house and woke up at 4 in the freaking morning, had to reach the school before 5:30, apparently. I totally OWNED everyone in ChoDaiDi in the bus weih! >:D My cards were so freaking nice. Took about 3-4 hours to reach the 1st school. Don't know the name of the school but it was damn BIG. After that we went in the music room which was on the 3rd floor. That time was hell cos my Tenor is heavy like shit. After that my hand started hurting.
We set our instrument and started playing, When Summer Takes Flight, Disco Party & American Gravity I think. o: After that the other school played.
Then we ate lunch with our group. Means our school & the other school's saxophone is one group. After lunch they took us on a tour around the school. Their school is so brand and huge. I wouldn't mind studying in that school. ;D
the tour lasted around, 1 hour I guess? Once the tour was done we went back to the music room and kept our instruments. Then it was time to say out goodbyes, but before that we exchanged gifts and facebook names. :D Haha, it was like, meeting new friends. :)
Group picture! :D
After that we boarded the bus and made our way to the next school. Set our instrument, went up the stage and started practicing a few songs.
Then we went for dinner. Their food was POISON. Many people got a stomachache after eating. They gave us 1 hour rest before the concert. 1 hour later we were all ready. Played 5 songs, When Summer Takes Flight, Disco Party, Jupiter, Mulan & American Gravity. Damn, I love American Gravity. 8)
After that the other school went up the stage and played another 5 songs. They were damn good weih. But I prefer our songs better. :Y The audience started shouting "encore!" after their last performance, so they ended up playing 7 songs.
After that we had the whole night to ourselves. 8D Played ChoDaiDi again in the guy's room. And I lost gaogao. ): All my cards were like shit. Then me, Amanda, Song Yang, Shi May & Eugene went downstairs and started chit chatting. :D Then we went to bed at around, 12:30. It was raining the whole night and my sleeping bad was so warm so my sleep was amazing as hell. :Y
Day 2;
Woke up at 7:30 the next day. Ate breakfast with our group again, then went for a tour. This school was the most active one compared to the others, in my opinion. They were friendly and we could easily talk to them. After the tour, we sat in the canteen and started chitchatting.
They said they their pancaragam is 6 days a week and 6 hours a day. No wonder they're so good. Gosh. After that we had to carry our instrument to the 3rd floor again. Wtf.
Saxophone! :D
The next school we went was Chong Hwa and aeroighaeirgoh the students there were to unactive. I also no mood to blog about their school. :p
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