Sunday, December 5, 2010

KL Dragons

Uhm. I forgotten what was his name. Mitler, Miller or something like that. He was quite good. d:

this made me lmao. 
This guy is probably the best player in the team. His right hand damn yeng weih. All tattoo. 

No offence :x He seemed damn nervous whenever he has the ball. He's the tallest player in KL Dragons so i'd be useful if he improved on his basketball. 

Had a fun day with Hon Fei, Han Jet, Zhong Jin & Shaun today. :D took the LRT and went to see a basketball match.

KL Dragons VS Brunei.

KL Dragons won. d:

But to me the only way KL Dragons won was cos the referee was so biased. -.- seriously pissed the hell out of me. Even the host was biased. Heck, everyone in the stadium was biased. Felt like standing up and salute them with my middle finger. _|_ Whenever Brunei had free shots, everyone will be boo-ing. Wtffffffff? Seriously damn mean. Fuck those shithole peopleeee. GO HOME AND TFK UNTIL YOUR LANJIAO PATAH LAH BOO WHAT FUCK.

But other than that the match was quite interesting, (: Damn pity the Brunei players lo, they looked so angry. I would've, too. Whenever the KL Dragon's made unnoticeable fouls, the referee would just make an excuse that it wasn't and when the Bruneis fouled the referee wouldn't even let it go. Who wouldn't get mad? I would've freaking punched the fuck out of the referee. They won by 3 points actually. Then dunno what happened, suddenly KL Dragons get 3 free shots and they added 5 minutes to the game. Like, wtf? The Brunei players eventually stopped trying. They totally gave up. :/ cept for one.

Ah well. Whatever. Other than that I had a pretty nice day. (:

I left my hoodie in Hon Fei's house and I forgotten to bring Joanna and Cheau Wen's present DDD: I'm a forgetful person k. Always had.

Can't wait for tomorrow :D Outing with by best buds ♥ 

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