Sunday, December 5, 2010

awesome day & awesome best buds

I love this picture (: 

Its been a year since we separated. Joanna in BU4, Cheauwen in Chong Hwa and me in BU3. Cheauwen was suppose to come to BU3, since her sister is in BU3. But she went to Chong Hwa instead. :/ So we plan an outing whenever schools has holidays (: 

Saw Kaiwen in 1u just noow . d: 

Went to Starbucks with Joanna and bought a Chocolate Cream Chip then waited for Cheauwen to come cos she had transport problem so she was 1 hour late. After Cheauwen reached we chit chatted awhile and started deciding on whether to go watch Rapunzel or Sing K. 

We ended up choosing sing K. 

I kinda regretted choosing that cause the price was expensive like fuuuuuuuck. Total RM115. 1 person RM26++. I didn't really mind RM 26 per person but food is compulsory. Whatthefuckkk. Food cost RM 22 some more. AND THERE WAS FUCKING "SERVICE CHARGE", TOO.



Ahahaha. Then we were guessing there was a CCTV in the room so we started pointing middle fingers & singing that Fuck You song. xD We were like, " Fuck you, fuck you very very muuuuuuuch. Why is your price so high? And your food so yuck? " d: 

But other than the price I had a pretty awesome day. (: Hehe, didn't take any pictures today though. :/ It was about 5:30 after we sang finish. We were suppose to go home at 7 but Joanna's mom fetched her early so me and Cheauwen decided to go home early, too. Planning another outing next week, (: but this time we won't go  sing K anymore. 


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